Pictured are Richard McMullin, Lydia John Putra and Shaun English with local surgeons & interpreters.
Australian Doctors for Africa
Mr Shaun English (Orthopaedic Surgeon) and Julie Fahey (practice nurse) had the amazing opportunity to join forces with Australian Doctors for Africa on a two week aid trip to Madagascar.
They worked with a collaborative network of specialists- including Urology, Gastroenterology & Dermatology -to provide surgical & medical assistance. Fellow Ballarat specialists- Lydia Johns Putra (Urologist), Richard McMullin (Urologist) and Wendy Williams (Logisitics) were part of the Ballarat contingency.
A major focus of the trip is the education of local surgeons, and providing ongoing networking opportunities.
The team volunteers their services. All resources for the trip were organized prior to the trip and transported to Madagascar. Donations can be made here .