Men’s Health Pub Clinic

Men have traditionally been pretty slack about looking after themselves. We usually put things off until we REALLY have to do something about it. 
The recent advent of “Men’s Health” events have been a great way to get messages out to men about simple things they can do to look after themselves. One of those events is the “Pub Clinic”, run by Bacchus Marsh GP Dr Ravin Sadhai. Ravin has been putting on this event for over ten years, offering a free beer, some nibbles and a chat. 
The poster for the Men’s Health Pub Clinic
This year saw Shaun English and Greg Harris join rheumatologist Dr Kim le Marshall talking about joint health, exercise and ‘not getting broken’, to about 100 participants. There were plenty of good questions, and hopefully everyone learnt a thing or two. 
Dr Greg Harris, Dr Ravin Sadhai, Mr Shaun English and Dr Kim le Marshall at the 2019 Pub Clinic
For information about the Pub Clinic, go to their website at
Dr Greg Harris