The most commonly used materials in joint replacement surgery include titanium, stainless steel and cobalt-chrome. Metal detectors used at airports SHOULD pick these up, along with everyday items (belts, buckles, & steel strengthened RMW boots).
When planning a trip to the airport there are a few things that will make the experience easier without causing unnecessary delays:
• Be prepared that your new joint may be detected
• Inform security staff that you have a hip/knee/shoulder replacement
• Wear clothing that allows for easy access to show the surgical scar. Be prepared that you may be required to show the scar to security staff
• Some orthopaedic companies provide a card that states you have a metal implant.
However, the security staff will usually ask you to step aside for further screening
• You will likely be screened with a metal detecting wand
• Airport security staff are familiar with travellers with joint replacement and generally deal with them without causing undue delay
The best thing to do is remain calm. Your goal is to move through the process as quickly as possible by letting security staff do their jobs.
And importantly, enjoy your holidays.