News & Information

The meniscus in the knee works by “Hoop Stresses” – by being attached at the front and back of knee, and with its triangular cross

Review of 2024 Australian Joint Replacement Registry & Changes to Followup Policy
Since 2000, every joint replacement done in Australia goes into a central registry, and if further surgery undertaken, it is recorded against the implant. The

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
For twenty years we’ve been doing Birmingham Hip Resurfacing – and in perfectly selected patients they have done extremely well! Going forward though – the

Metal Allergy & Knee Replacement
It is claimed 16% of knee replacements patients aren’t that impressed with their outcome – I’d be devastated if that’s what we saw at Ballarat

A New Physiotherapist Is Joining The Team At Ballarat Sports Medicine
The Ballarat Sports Medicine clinical team is very excited to be welcoming Shalin Patel to the physiotherapy team. Shalin is an APA titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

Australian National Joint Replacement Registry data on neck of femur fractures
All joint replacements in Australia since 2000 have been entered into a central registry run by the Australian Orthopaedic Association.

It was good to represent Ballarat as a Sports Physiotherapist at the National Basketball tournament being hosted here in Ballarat

Surgeons without medical degrees
Recently, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald carried headline articles on foot surgery being performed by podiatric “surgeons” without medical training. Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes programme also recently aired a story on this topic.

Australian Doctors for Africa
After a prolonged break due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we returned to Madagascar. Australian Doctors for Africa organise missions to provide medical services to the local people in Toliara, a town on the west coast of Madagascar, where services and infrastructure are lacking.