Post-Operative Instructions
Ballarat Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Helpful Information About Your Surgery
Click to download the following information sheets provided by the surgeons to help with your Post-Operative Care. All files are PDF format. More information sheets will be posted here periodically.
Mr David Mitchell
- ACL Reconstruction Patient Information
- Ankle Arthroscopy Patient Information
- Birmingham Resurfacing Patient Information
- Gluteal Tendon Repair (Hip) & ITB Lengthening Patient Information
- Knee Arthroscopy Patient Information
- Knee Replacement Patient Information
- Shoulder Arthroscopy Patient Information
- Shoulder Replacement Patient Information
- Total Hip Replacement Patient Information
Mr Shaun English
- ACL Reconstruction Patient Information
- Achilles Tendon ACCELERATED Functional Rehabilitation Protocol
- Achilles Tendon STANDARD Functional Rehabilitation Protocol
- ACL Rehabilitation Protocol (Fowler Kennedy)
- Shoulder Capsule Release Patient Information
- Shoulder Cuff-Decompression Repair Patient Information
- Shoulder Replacement Patient Information
- Shoulder Stabilization Patient Information
- Deltoid Retraining
Mr Scott Mason
Dental Information
Patients with Joint Replacements who Require Dental Treatment.
Dental problems in the first 3 months following hip or knee joint placement surgery
Infection with abscess formation: Urgent and aggressive treatment of the abscess. Remove the cause (exodontic or endodontic) under antibiotic prophylaxis.
Pain: Provide emergency dental treatment for pain. Antibiotics are indicated if a high or medium risk dental procedure is performed.
Non-infective dental problem without pain: Defer non-emergency dental treatment until 3 to 6 months after prosthesis replacement.
Dental treatment after 3 months in a normal patient with a normally functioning artificial joint
Routine dental treatment including extraction – No antibiotic prophylaxis required.
Immunocompromised patients are a particular risk:
- those with insulin-dependent diabetes
- those taking immunosuppressive treatment for organ transplants or malignancy
- those with systemic rheumatoid arthritis
- those taking systemic steroids (e.g. patients with severe asthma, dermatological problems) Consultation with the patient’s treating physician is recommended.
Failing, particularly chronically inflamed, artificial joints:
Consultation with the patient’s treating orthopaedic surgeon is recommended.
Defer non-essential dental treatment until the orthopaedic problem has been resolved.
Previous history of infected artificial joints:
Consider if the patient is immunocompromised.
Routine non-surgical dental treatment – no prophylaxis indicated.
Recommended antibiotic regimens where indicated:
- Dental clinic local anaesthetic extractions or deep curettage- Amoxycillin 2-3g orally 1 hour prior to procedure
- Theatre procedures- Amoxycillin 1g I/V at induction and followed by 500mg amoxicillin I/V or orally 6 hours later.
- Penicillin hypersensitivity, long term penicillin, recent penicillin/other B-lactam- Clindamycin 600mg 1 hour prior to procedure or Vancomycin 1g I/V 1 hour to finish 2 hours or Lincomycin 600mg just prior to the procedure.
- High risk case (i.e. Gross oral sepsis/severely immunocompromised/previous joint infection) – Gentamicin 2mg/kg I/V just before procedure (can be administered 3mg/kg provided there is no concomitant renal disease) PLUS Amoxycillin 1g I/V just before procedure and followed by 500mg I/V or orally hours later.
If hypersensitive to penicillin replace amoxycillin with Vancomycin 1g I/V over 1 hour to finish just before procedure.
Ref: Scott JF et al, Patients with artificial joints: do they need antibiotic cover for dental treatment? Aust Dent J 2005:50 Suppl 2S45-S53
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