Ever wondered how footballers manage to play within a week or two after a terrible looking injury?
Actually the reason is pretty simple: the early treatment of their injury makes the biggest difference to how quickly they return to sport. Basic sports first aid with Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE) can limit the swelling and bleeding from an injury, which in turn limits how stiff and painful the injury becomes. Avoiding alcohol and heat, and not taking any anti-inflammatories (such as nurofen, voltaren, aspirin or advil) in the first 48 hours also limits the bleeding and swelling.
Knowing when it is safe to start moving and training again takes expertise and experience. It is this level of expertise that our Acute Injury Clinic can provide, with a specialist Sport & Exercise Medicine Physician and experienced local sports physiotherapists.
Booking for our Acute Injury Clinic is easy, just follow the link from our website. You don’t need a referral, but if you do happen to have one please bring it with you.