Here is the official media release announcing the partnership:
AFL Goldfields is pleased to announce a new partnership with Ballarat OSM for the 2018 season following the announcement in 2017 that a new Sports Medicine Team and Acute Injury Clinic will open in Ballarat.
Sports Physician, Doctor Greg Harris anticipated the partnership and needs of players by developing a new service unique in Ballarat. “We are overjoyed to work with AFL Goldfields to provide this service to the region’s athletes who compete in Leagues locally.”
“Early assessment and treatment of injuries greatly improves how well they recover”, says Dr Harris. “From my time working with elite athletes, I’ve seen players get up for matches by treating an injury properly from day one.”
In recognition that most sports injuries happen on the weekend, the clinic is open on Monday afternoons. Patients can easily book an appointment online. They receive an initial 20-minute consultation with a sports physician and then a further 20 minutes with a physiotherapist.
“Ballarat is blessed with many highly skilled physiotherapists and our new clinic is a collaboration with three of these groups. The three-way conversation between physio, doctor and patient means that patients not only get a thorough diagnosis, but also a treatment plan aimed at an active recovery as soon as possible.”
“Treating the injury promptly and effectively is the best way to get back to normal activities as soon as possible.”
AFL Goldfields Commercial & Regional Operations Manager Aaron Nunn said, “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Ballarat OSM to promote what will be a wonderful service to all Community Football & Netball players across the AFL Goldfields Region. The setup of the new Acute Injury Clinic at 107 Webster Street, Ballarat will be key to treating injured players as early as possible and provide ongoing assistance through the recovery phase.”
Find out more about the Acute Injury Clinic at
Members of any club registered with any Community Football & Netball League in the AFL Goldfields Region will be able to book appointments online through the Ballarat OSM website or via a special link accessible via under the TRAINERS tab.